Cinque Terre

“Focus on the Core Value and Achieve the Vision!”

Hyundae Research is celebrating the 37th anniversary of its founding this year.

When the government authorities decide on policies for citizens, when companies make marketing decisions, and even when the candidates put efforts in election campaigns, we have been working hard to make the small voices of our precious citizens, consumers and voters heard aloud. Everything we have done is possible thanks to our employees and the customers who trust Hyundae Research.

Hyundae Research wants to take one step forward the courageous challenges of the coming future, understanding the nature of the business, contributing to customers’ success, and strengthening its commitment to make sustainable growth with customers. Now, we tightened our shoelaces to make a new leap toward the upcoming future with our customers keeping up with the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

We want to provide accuracy, insight, customer's value, and achieve sustainable and balanced growth between individual employees, the company, and our society. Hyundae Research will devote itself to create a good society by making our employees as experts in data literacy and making our company as a tool to capture the public sentiment of citizens, voters, and customers.

Thank you.
CEO Kim Yongseob

37years of Research Experience

Marketing and social research : 5,645s
Satisfaction survey : 3,500s
Election Opinion Survey : 1,500s

Infrastructure and Solutions

MMSS : Mixed-Mode Survey System
HSF : CAPI System
ATIS : CATI System
Qgen : Web-Questionnaire Development System


  • 1987

    Hyundae Research Establishment

  • 1992

    KORA(Korea Research Association) Member

  • 1996

    AD Power Index Development

  • 2003

    ATIS(Advance Telephone Interview System) Development

  • 2013

    WISE(Window for Information Smart ERP): ERP System Development

  • 2013

    MMSS(Mixed Mode Survey System): System Development

  • 2018

    QGen(Questionnaire Generator): Web-Questionnaire Development System

  • 2020

    HSF(Hyundae-Research Safety Face to face survey): System Development
    Patent pending

  • 2021

    Website Renewal

  • 2022

    The second CEO, Yong-seob KIM, took office

  • 2023

    Company name and CI change

  • 2024

    Company Relocation

Hyundae Research

Hyundae Research considers data quality as top priority and will become a trusted advisor to clients.

CEO : Yong-seob, Kim
TEL : +82-2-3218-9600
Email : /
Business Sector : Policy, administration, public service evaluation / Consulting service / Marketing research / Election opinion survey


Kukdong B/D F3, Gangnam-daero 156-1, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea